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Carshalton High School for Girls

Carshalton High School for Girls

Carshalton High School for Girls is a highly successful school, judged by Ofsted in January 2023 as ‘Good’ in all categories.

Year 11 Curriculum Map

Click the term buttons below to see the curriculum for each subject.

Autumn term

  Autumn 1 Autumn 2
Shakespeare’s Tragedies: analysing hamartia/tragic hero/hubris; stichomythia/soliloquy/
chorus; prologue; dramatic pathetic fallacy and sound effects
**Language and Literature units in parallel across term
Language Mock Revision: exam techniques and time management strategies
Circle theorems
Further Algebra
Further Perimeter, Area and Volume
Fractions, indices and standard form
Vectors and geometric proof
Congruence, similarity and vectors
Biology: Human nervous system:
Human nervous system and reflex actions. The principles of hormonal coordination, diabetes, negative feedback, menstrual cycle and fertility, plant hormones and responses.
Chemistry: Rate and Equilibrium
Calculating the rate of a reaction
Determining factors affecting the rate of reaction.
Reversible reactions. Le Chatelier’s Principle for equilibrium.
Physics: Electric circuits
Electric circuits, knowing different types of components and their behaviour with changing in current and voltage.
Electricity in the Home
Alternating current traces in terms of period and amplitude (voltage).
Cables and plugs’ electrical properties. Energy usage and efficiency of appliances
Biology: Genetics and reproduction:
Types of reproduction and cell division (combined)
Homeostasis: controlling temperature, the kidney (triple only)
Chemistry: Rates of Reactions
Calculating the rate of a reaction
Determining factors affecting the rate of reaction.
Reversible reactions. Le Chatelier’s Principle for equilibrium
Physics: Molecules and Matter
Structure of matter in terms of density. Changes of state and latent heat, internal energy of matter. Gas Laws relating pressure, volume and temperature.
Computer Science
Programming fundamentals and data types and operations using Python
Programming fundamentals, sequence and selection, iteration, arrays and records using
Urban Challenges
Sustainable development of urban areas.
Ecological footprint.
Sustainable urban living & transport.
Fieldwork: Startford writeup.
The Changing Economic World
Economic development & quality of life; measures of development; population growth.
The Changing Economic World
Reducing the global development gap; consequences of uneven development.
Economic development in Nigeria: growing economy; geographical context.
Cold War crises, 1958-1970
Berlin crisis and Berlin Wall; Cuban Missile Crisis; Prague Spring;
Focus: Causation; Consequence; Significance
End of the Cold War, 1970-1991
Détente; Soviet invasion of Afghanistan; Reagan and Second Cold War; Gorbachev and end of the USSR;
Focus: Causation; Consequence; Significance
Current and future study and employment
My studies: school subjects, a day in school, school life in different countries, school life in France and Britain
School rules and uniform, ideal school
Current and future study and employment
Life at school/college.
Current and future study and employment
My studies: school subjects, a day in school, school life in different countries, school life in France and Britain
School rules and uniform, ideal school
Current and future study and employment
Life at school/college.
Current and future study and employment
My studies: school subjects, a day in school, school life in different countries, school life in France and Britain
School rules and uniform, ideal school
Current and future study and employment
Life at school/college.
Component 1
Students continue working into their coursework, according to their individual feedback.
Component 1
Students continue working into their coursework, according to their individual feedback.
Business Studies
Making operational decisions
Business operations – production processes, use of technology in production
Working with suppliers – managing stock and the role of procurement
Managing quality The sales process
Making financial decisions
Gross profit, net profit and calculation and interpretation of gross profit margin, net profit margin and ARR
The use and interpretation as well as limitations of quantitative business data
Child Development
Understand the development of a child from one to five years 
Topic Area 3: Planning play activities for a chosen development area with a child from one to five years. 
Observe a child, assess their progress against development norms and plan a developmental activity.
 Health and well-being for child development
Theme E – Taking Citizenship action
Choosing, researching, planning, developing skills and carrying out citizenship action on an issue of students' own choice to enact change or raise awareness on their selected topic.
Theme D4 – Media
The role, power and influence of the media in different political system
Censorship of the media and the concept of a free press
Evaluating how the media holds those in power to account
Component 1: Performance
Set Phrase Breathe and Flux
Component 2: 
Section A: knowledge and understanding of choreographic processes and performing skills.
Component 1
Duet/trio Performance
Component 2:Section A: General Dance and Section B 6 Mark Questions: Critical Appreciation of Own Work
Design Technology
NEA task
NEA task
Informal portfolio
Final design prototype
Component 3: Bringing Texts to Life - DNA
Demonstrating knowledge and understanding of how drama and theatre is developed and performed.
Component 3
Live Theatre Evaluation

Analysing and evaluating the work of others.
Component 2: Scripted Performance
Rehearsing or producing a design realisation for a monologue, duologue, and/or group performance. Applying theatrical skills to realise artistic intentions in a live performance.
Fashion and Textiles
Skills Workshops
Preparation for External Assessment
Students will engage in small textile workshops covering new skills with a focus on creativity, planning and design communication. They will use past briefs as inspiration for their outcomes and to aid them in understanding the format of the assessment.
Skills Workshops
Preparation for External Assessment
Students will engage in small textile workshops covering new skills with a focus on creativity, planning and design communication. They will use past briefs as inspiration for their outcomes and to aid them in understanding the format of the assessment.
Hospitality and Catering
LO4: Know how food can cause ill health
Food related causes
Common types of Food poisoning
Symptoms of food induces ill health
Food safety hazards
Risks to Food safety
Control measures
Food safety regulations
LO3: Understand how Hospitality and Catering Provision meets Health and Safety requirements
Personal safety responsibilities in the workplace:
Identify risks to personal safety
Personal safety control measures for employees and customers
Media Studies
Advertising and Marketing (Paper 1, Section A )

Quality Street and This Girl Can adverts
Newspapers (Paper 1 Sections A & B): The Guardian and The Sun (Front pages set by the exam board)  The Guardian and The Sun (webpages)
The Sun (Full print edition)
Coursework production.
Newspapers (Paper 1 Sections A & B):
 The Guardian and The Sun (Front pages set by the exam board) The Guardian and The Sun (webpages)
The Sun (Full print edition)
Coursework production.
Popular Music - AoS 4
Set work analysis all elements in Africa by Toto
History of popular music – focus on Pop, Rock, Soul, Reggae, Hiphop and EDM
Critical listening popular music focus
GCSE Free compositions finished
GCSE Brief composition started
Solo and Ensemble Performances (preparation for Year 11 NEA)
Exam Prep
Theory: Applied anatomy and physiology
1.1 Musco-skeletal system
Exam Prep
Theory: Applied anatomy and physiology
1.2 Cardio-respiratory system
PE (Core)
Develop core skills in isolation and developed through a routine. 
Understanding the importance of leading a healthy active lifestyle. 
Net sports - Badminton or volleyball 
Develop a range of core skills in isolation and perform rules and tactics in a game situation. 
Games - Basketball, handball, football or netball 
Develop a range of core skills in isolation and perform rules and tactics in a game situation. 
Religious Studies
11.1 Christian & Muslim Beliefs
Revision of key beliefs within religions, including responses to life after death, evil and suffering, and solutions to evil and suffering.
11.2 Living the Christian Life
Overview of Christian practices, including the Sacraments, religious festivals and the role of the worldwide Church.
Crime and deviance
The social construction of crime and deviance and data on crime
Crime and deviance
Explanations of criminal and deviant behaviour from functionalist, interactionist and Marxist perspectives 

Spring term

  Spring 1 Spring 2
Literature Mock Revision: quote memorisation, exam techniques and time management strategies
Language/Literature Revision: therapies to address weaknesses/fluency errors/misconceptions
Transformations and constructions
Transformations, loci and bearings
Proportion and graphs
Further Algebra
Biology: Genetics and reproduction:
Variation, evolution, selective breeding, and genetic engineering. The history of genetics and theories of evolution.
Chemistry: Chemical Analysis
How scientists can analyse and identify different compounds and elements based on their chemical properties
Physics: Waves
Properties including sound and ultrasound (Triple only). Waves in the Earth including earthquakes.
Electromagnetic Waves
Light waves and the electromagnetic spectrum. The uses of various parts of the spectrum including the uses in medicine.
Biology: Ecology:
Adaptations, interdependence, and competition. Ecosystem organisation.
Chemistry: The Earth’s Resources
Renewable resources, life cycle assessments of a variety of products, the process of producing potable water on a micro and macro scale
Physics: Electromagnetism
Motor effects and how electromagnets are used in devices such as loudspeakers and relays.
Lenses and where lenses are used
Computer Science
Impacts of Digital Technology
Computer technologies and applications and the ethical, environmental and legal considerations surrounding them.
Revisiting applying Pseudocode and Python techniques under exam conditions
The Changing Economic World
Economic change in the UK: industrial structure & changes.
Economic change in the UK: impacts of globalisation; inequalities; transport & sustainability.
The Challenge of Resource Management
Global resource management: food energy & water; economic & social wellbeing; inequalities & demand.
The Challenge of Resource Management
Resources in the UK: food, energy & water demand, changes & challenges.
In depth study: global water: water surplus & deficit; water security & insecurity; consumption & availability; impacts, strategies, and water transfer schemes.
Queen, government and religion, 1558-69 Challenges to Elizabeth at home, 1569-88
Problems facing Elizabeth, the religious settlement, plots and revolts at home, foreign policy and the Spanish Armada.
Focus: Causation; Consequence
Challenges to Elizabeth abroad 1569-88 and Elizabethan society in the Age of Exploration, 1558-88
Foreign policy, Spanish Armada, education, leisure, poverty, exploration and colonisation.

Focus: Causation; Consequence
Current and future study and employment
Education post 16: future studies, future options universities and apprenticeships
Current and future study and employment
Jobs, career choices and ambitions  job preferences and part-time work,  how to get a job
advantages and disadvantages of jobs
Current and future study and employment
Education post 16: future studies, future options universities and apprenticeships
Current and future study and employment
Jobs, career choices and ambitions  job preferences and part-time work,  how to get a job
advantages and disadvantages of jobs
Current and future study and employment
Education post 16: future studies, future options universities and apprenticeships
Current and future study and employment
Jobs, career choices and ambitions  job preferences and part-time work,  how to get a job
advantages and disadvantages of jobs
Component 2
Externally set assignments. Exam
Component 2
Externally set assignments. Exam
Business Studies
Making human resource decisions
Organisational structures, effective communication and different ways of working; eg. full-time, part-time, permanent, temporary, freelance contracts
Effective recruitment – job roles and responsibilities, recruitment and selection process and methods
Making human resource decisions
Effective training and development such as formal and informal training and self-learning
The importance of motivation in the workplace and financial and non-financial methods businesses use to motivate their employees
Revision and exam practice Paper 1, Theme 1 including structuring questions, how to answer generic questions for Section A, how to handle case studies in Section B and C and using the exam techniques with application
Child Development
Understand the development of a child from one to five years
Topic Area 4: Carry out and evaluate different play activities for a chosen development area with a child from one to five years.
Plan an activity for the child previously observed. Reflect upon and evaluate the planned activity.
Unit R059: Understand the development of a child from one to five years
RO57 Health and well-being for child development
Revision of this unit in preparation for summer exam.
Theme D1 – International Organisations
UK and the Wider World
The UKs role in the UN, the UNHCR and the UN Security Council.
The UK and NATO
The purpose and application of international law
Theme D2 – International Humanitarian Politics
Supporting other countries through foreign aid and NGOs
The UKs role and influence in the WTO, Commonwealth of Nations, the UK and the Council of Europe
Component 1:
Own Choreography
Component 2:
Section C The 6 Professional Works:
A Linha Curva, Artificial Things, Emancipation of Expressionism, Infra, Shadows and Within Her Eyes
Component 1:
Own Choreography
Component 2:
Section A: knowledge and understanding of choreographic processes and performing skills.
Section B: Critical Appreciation of Own Work
Section C The 6 Professional Works: A Linha Curva, Artificial Things, Emancipation of Expressionism, Infra, Shadows and Within Her Eyes
Design Technology
NEA task
Formal Portfolio
Revision: Design and Technology in the 21st Century
Component 2: Scripted Performance
Rehearsing or producing a design realisation for a monologue, duologue, and/or group performance. Applying theatrical skills to realise artistic intentions in a live performance.
Component 3: Bringing Texts to Life - DNA
Demonstrating knowledge and understanding of how drama and theatre is developed and performed.
Component 3
Live Theatre EvaluationAnalysing and evaluating the work of others.
Fashion and Textiles
Component 2: Externally Set Assignment Part One
Students must complete work in response to a creative brief of their choosing from a selection provided by the exam centre. Students will need to consider their skills and creative ability when choosing a brief to ensure they can work independently for a preparatory period of study prior to their 10-hour assessment. The students will create a final outcome that meets their chosen brief. 
Component 2: Externally Set Assignment Part One
Students must complete work in response to a creative brief of their choosing from a selection provided by the exam centre. Students will need to consider their skills and creative ability when choosing a brief to ensure they can work independently for a preparatory period of study prior to their 10-hour assessment. The students will create a final outcome that meets their chosen brief. 
Hospitality and Catering
Hospitality and catering providers.
Working in the hospitality and catering industry.
Working conditions.
Contributing factors to the success of hospitality and catering provision
The front and back of house operation.
Customer requirements.
Provision to meet specific requirements.
Health and safety.
Food Safety
Media Studies
Television Sitcom (Paper 2):
IT Crowd Series 4, Episode 2: The Final Countdown (2010)

Friends, Season 1, Episode 1 (NBC/Channel 4 1994)
Coursework production.
Television Sitcom (Paper 2):
IT Crowd Series 4, Episode 2: The Final Countdown (2010)

Friends, Season 1, Episode 1 (NBC/Channel 4 1994)
Music - Music Videos and Online Media (Paper 2)

Website of:

Katy Perry OR Taylor Swift


Bruno Mars OR Pharell Williams.

Music video from the 1980s and early 1990s:

TLC, Waterfalls (1995)
Coursework production.
Non-examined assessment focus
GCSE Brief composition finished
Paperwork portfolio completed
Solo and Ensemble Performance recorded
Critical listening continued
Melodic and Rhythmic dictation
Exam technique
Exam Prep
Theory: Applied anatomy and physiology
1.3 Aerobic and Anaerobic
1.4 Short- and long-term effects
Paper 2: Health and Performance
Health, fitness and wellbeing
Sports psychology
Socio-cultural influences
PE (Core)
Develop core skills in isolation and developed through a routine. 
Understanding the importance of leading a healthy active lifestyle. 
Net sports - Badminton or volleyball 
Develop a range of core skills in isolation and perform rules and tactics in a game situation. 
Games - Basketball, handball, football or netball 
Develop a range of core skills in isolation and perform rules and tactics in a game situation. 
Religious Studies
11.3 Living the Muslim Life
Overview of Islamic practices, including The Ten Obligatory Acts of Shi’a Islam and the Five Pillars. Review of Islamic festivals.
11.4 Marriage and the Family
Christian teachings about marriage, sexual relationships and family life. Review of key thematic content.
Crime and deviance
Factors affecting criminal and deviant behaviour: Gender, social class, ethnicity and age
Crime and deviance
Formal and informal methods of social control
The relationship between crime and the media

Summer term

  Summer 1
Language/Literature Revision continued:
close knowledge gaps, enrich strong performance
close knowledge gaps, enrich strong performance
Biology: Ecology
Biodiversity and the ecosystem, the human population explosion, and the effects of different types of pollution.
Chemistry: Using Our Resources
How scientists can create a multitude of different useful materials through chemical reactions
Review of modules covered in Years 9 and 10
Computer Science
Application of theoretical examination questions
and exam practice for Paper 1 and Paper 2
Pre-Release issue evaluation
Issue evaluation preparation for Paper 3 examination.
Geographical Skills:
Mapwork and numeracy skills.
Revision: Medicine in Britain 1250-present including the British Sector of the Western Front, 1914-1918
Close knowledge gaps and improve source evaluation techniques
Component 2
Externally set assignments. Exam
Business Studies
Revision and exam practice Paper 2
Theme 2 including structuring questions, how to answer generic questions for Section A, how to handle case studies in Section B and C and using the exam techniques with application
Child Development
Revision of R057
Review of Themes A, B, C and D with a focus on subject knowledge and exam technique and practice.
Component 2 Revision and Exam Practice
Section A: knowledge and understanding of choreographic processes and performing skills.
Section B: Critical Appreciation of Own Work
Section C The 6 Professional Works: A Linha Curva, Artificial Things, Emancipation of Expressionism, Infra, Shadows and Within Her Eyes
Design Technology
Design and Technology in the 21st Century
Component 3: Bringing Texts to Life - DNA
Demonstrating knowledge and understanding of how drama and theatre is developed and performed.
Component 3
Live Theatre Evaluation
Analysing and evaluating the work of others.
Fashion and Textiles
Component 2: Externally Set Assignment Part Two
Hospitality and Catering
Food related causes of ill health
Symptoms and signs of food-induced ill health
Preventative control measures of food-induced ill health
The Environmental Health Officer (EHO)
Media Studies
Music - Music Videos and Online Media (Paper 2)

Website of:
Katy Perry OR Taylor Swift
Bruno Mars OR Pharell Williams.

Music video from the 1980s and early 1990s:
TLC, Waterfalls (1995)
Listening and Appraising- Final Written Exam
All NEA submitted to the exam board
Revision of all areas of study
Set work focused revision
Exam technique focus
Melody and Rhythmic Dictation
Paper 1: Fitness and body systems
Applied anatomy and physiology
Movement analysis
Physical training
PE (core)
Develop a range of core skills in isolation across a variety of events. 
Develop a range of core skills in isolation and perform rules and tactics in a game situation. 
Street Sports 
Develop a range of core skills in isolation and in group challenges across a variety of street sports. 
Religious Studies
11.5 Matters of Life and Death
Revision of medical ethics, including origins of life, abortion, life after death, euthanasia, and issues in the natural world.
Research methods in context with topics
Application of research methods to family, education, social stratification and crime and deviance.