English as an Additional Language
Students, for whom English is an additional language (EAL), are supported by withdrawal from some lessons,
The key aim of the EAL Provision is to support students for whom English is an Additional Language to facilitate access of the full curriculum.
EAL learning support aims for all EAL students to:
- Feel welcome, motivated and supported by the Learning Support Department and the rest of the school
- Enjoy learning English
- Be increasingly confident, competent and independent listeners, speakers, readers and writers
- Make good progress in English in relation to challenging and achievable targets and across the curriculum in other subject areas
- Develop their first or other languages further
- Have access to the curriculum in all subject areas
All EAL students should learn how to use:
- The sounds of English
- The English alphabet
- Contextual understandings, including non-verbal communication
- Text structure and organiSation
- Sentence structure and grammatical conventions
- The meaning of words and phrases
- Punctuation
Exam results and Teacher Assessments are used to build an academic profile for students.
Each September, all Year 7 pupils are given the STAR reading test and a spelling test. A number are then assessed using the New Reading Analysis and the Schonell spelling test. All provide a piece of writing for miscue analysis.
All late entries, in all years are also assessed for reading accuracy and comprehension. All EAL students are assessed by our assigned EAL Coordinator.