Anti-Bullying Week

From Monday 14th November to Friday 18th November we joined students across the country to celebrate anti-bullying week. This year’s theme was Reach Out!
This theme came out of teachers and children wanting a theme that empowered them to do something positive to counter the harm and hurt that bullying causes. It also reminds everyone - in school, at home, in the community or online, to Reach Out and give each other the support we need.
The week included wearing bright mismatched socks on Monday to promote diversity and that we have the right to be ourselves free from bullying. Students from across all years proudly took part and wore their odd socks alongside CHSG anti-bullying stickers.
During the week, anti-bullying conversations were incorporated into lessons and students were given the opportunity to show kindness to each other and towards staff by writing and giving of kindness notes.
CHSG is a caring and friendly school. We are building and continue to encourage a kindness culture amongst out students. We want everyone to feel safe and happy to be here.
Students were given a card that they can place in their lanyard plastic wallets. The card have a QR code which directs them to our website, where there will be information on how to access support and to confidentially report incidents of bullying.