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Carshalton High School for Girls

Carshalton High School for Girls

Carshalton High School for Girls is a highly successful school, judged by Ofsted in January 2023 as ‘Good’ in all categories.

Day of Mourning - Monday 19th September

Carshalton High School for Girls has been joining the nation in mourning the sad death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

On Friday 8th September, students and staff observed a minute’s silence following an assembly for each year group in the morning.  Throughout this week subjects will be recognising and celebrating the life of Elizabeth II  and we are encouraging our students to leave an online message of condolence via this link

It has been confirmed that the official date of the State Funeral is:

Monday 19th September 2022. 

The Government has declared this a Bank Holiday. All schools will be closed to give children and their families the opportunity to pause for reflection. With the exception of Monday 19th September, we are expecting our educational plans for all students to continue as normally as possible during this week of national mourning.

Best wishes to all of you at this very sad time.

Mr M M J Devenney