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Carshalton High School for Girls

Carshalton High School for Girls

A Level Results Day Information

Dear Year 13,

Results day takes place on Thursday 17th August. Students will be able to come on site between 8.30am and 10.30am to collect their results and more specific details will follow in due course. When you receive your results envelopes, there will be a letter enclosed indicating your next steps in the form of an exit survey.  Please can you complete this and place this form in the box as you leave. 

Staff will be available to give advice and support regarding university offers and progression into employment. We will have computers available in S12 should you need IT access. Please have a look at the following website to help prepare you for the day if you are applying to university:

How can I prepare?

There are a number of things you can do to get ready for the big day. Having all the important information to hand will prove useful, especially if your results are lower than expected and you plan to apply for a place through Clearing.

You'll likely need:

  • a fully charged mobile phone (and charger)
  • a notepad and pen
  • details of conditional offers, university contact numbers, your UCAS number, universities' UCAS and Clearing numbers
  • notes from having researched universities and courses beforehand, with a list of questions to ask course tutors
  • your personal statement and GCSE results  

What do I do if I met my offer?

If you're holding at least one conditional place and you've met the requirements, the offer will change to 'unconditional'. This firm acceptance is confirmed in UCAS Hub, and you'll then receive details on what you need to do next, and when - either from UCAS, or directly from the university. For example, some institutions will ask you to provide evidence of your qualifications.

If you've used UCAS Extra | No Offers? Add More Choices With Our 'Extra' Service to add another choice - and have been offered a place - you'll just need to accept it by the date displayed in UCAS Hub. There's also the option of adding another choice, should you wish to decline the offer.

What if I don’t get the grades?

Don't panic, as there are a number of options open to you.

Firstly, if you've missed the grades by just a few marks, you should talk to the university in question. While they're under no obligation to reconsider their decision, especially with places so competitive, they may listen to you if you plan to appeal any grades.

Alternatively, you could simply accept the decision and go through the results day Clearing process instead.

Can I defer my university place on results day?

You can ask your university to defer your place for a year if you don't already hold a deferred offer. While this can technically be done up until the start date, the earlier you tell them, the better. Be prepared to explain your reasons.

While many universities will agree to this, if they don't, you could choose to withdraw your application for this year and then reapply when the process begins for the next student intake.

What if I get better grades than expected?

If you managed to meet and exceed the conditions of your firm offer, and you're happy with that then that's great. However, if you'd like to explore the possibility of picking an alternative course requiring higher grades, you can now simply do this through the UCAS Clearing service.

While UCAS Adjustment is no longer available, you're able to decline your place and change your course and university through the Clearing process instead.

We really look forward to seeing you on the Thursday 17th  August but if you know in advance that you will not be available then please email Mrs Maybury at   and we can arrange to have the results emailed to you. 

If you have any questions or queries at this stage, please do not hesitate to get in touch. 

Best wishes,