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Carshalton High School for Girls

Carshalton High School for Girls

Carshalton High School for Girls is a highly successful school, judged by Ofsted in January 2023 as ‘Good’ in all categories.


 Wellbeing is the state of being comfortable, happy or healthy and at CHSG we strive to ensure that all students and staff enjoy the best wellbeing possible.

The Local Safeguarding Children’s Board (LCSB) highlights some of the current concerns both locally and nationally about the issues affecting young people today. 

Safety Information for Parents/Carers

Recently the media has reported about the tragic deaths of children who have taken their own lives. There are concerns both locally and nationally about the increase in young people who self-harm. Self-harm is often a way of coping and obtaining relief from a difficult and otherwise overwhelming situation or emotional state. It can take many forms but the most well known of these are young people cutting themselves or overdosing on medication. Self- harm is a major risk factor for subsequently committing suicide.

 Another worrying issue is websites which promote self-harm and eventually encourage children to take their own lives.

Whilst there are no simple solutions to this problem some of the factors that are usually involved in incidents of self-harm are:

  • Young people sharing information with their peers about their intent to self-harm, but not reporting this to any adult or organisation
  • Social media being used for both peer to peer discussion and to also access what could be termed “promotional material” regarding self-harm
  • The speed with which it seems that young people move from apparently feeling “low” to serious acts of self-harm
  • The possibility that assessments and formal examinations trigger spikes in incidents

Parents may be aware of the options to help identify problems and that many will have had conversations with children about these concerns already. However, it may be useful to highlight the following suggestions:

  • Regularly monitor the social media your child is accessing
  • Talk to your child about websites and social media
  • Ask your child how they are feeling and if they state they are feeling anxious or stressed, discuss with them whether they feel able to cope.

 Parents who have concerns at any time should talk to the student's Tutor, Year Leader or a Pastoral Support Officer.

You can also get support and advice from:

  • Your GP who can get specialist advice from Child and Adolescence Mental Health Services (CAMHS) 
  • Social Services:  020 8770 5000
  • Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)  – 020 8770 6001
  • Single point of access (SPA) to CAMHS – 0203 513 8000

There are also local resources that may be of use and can be found on the Sutton Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB) website:

Counselling support

Skycasts:- these are free online group workshops. They offer practical tips and info about issues young people might be struggling with as well as the opportunity to meet other young people and share ideas in a safe, secure and confidential chat room. Past Skycasts are available online for young people to access

Skyline:- is a free and friendly online counselling service for young people in Croydon, Sutton or Merton. Skyline provides a safe online space to help young people talk about difficult things they might be facing. An allocated trained counsellor will listen and support the young person.

The above services are commissioned by the  Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), more information can be found at the following links:

For further information or support regarding Wellbeing please contact Mrs Durrett, Assistant Headteacher,

For further information about Mental Health, Self Harm and eSafety please click below

Sutton Emotional Wellbeing Support

Drop in provision:

Off The Record (OTR), Sutton young people’s counselling service, offers a weekly drop in service:

  • Every Tuesday from 3.30-5.30pm
  • If you are aged 11-25, you can drop in at our main office at 172 Croydon Road, Beddington CR0 4PG to speak to a counsellor with no appointment needed
  • For further information please go to:

School nurse drop in: 

Your school nurse has a drop in service in the school's Interview Room on Tuesdays 12.30pm-2pm during term time. 

Telephone/online support: 

For parents and carers:  if you are concerned about your child / young person please feel able to contact the Sutton Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) Single Point of Access (SPA) on 020 3513 3800 (option 1) and ask to speak to the duty clinician, who will be available 9am-5pm to discuss any concerns. 

Designated Safeguarding Lead: Miss H Holmes - 020 8037 6263